E-mail marketing can be such an effective marketing medium, but too often customers e-mails at the end as SPAM. So what you need to do to ensure that it is the next e-mail one of the most effective and not one of those marked as SPAM! Below we have some simple but important tips for your next e-mail campaign a big success.

First, Lets talk about SPAM. There are some pretty scary statistics about the amount of SPAM e-mails in the world today. In fact, in a report published in mid -2008, she reported one of the world's largest anti-spam companies (Sophos), that are legitimate only 1 of 28 e-mails (the rest are spam). Given the speed with which e-mail and spam, we can always assume it's worse now. Interesting is the worst of both countries for spam creation was the United States and Russia.

So, what are the steps to make sure your next campaign is not flagged as spam.

Rule 1 Make sure you e-mail to a targeted list of recipients only.

There are two ways to have yourE-mail being marked as SPAM. The first is automatic. Ant-spam software scans your e-mail and if it thinks it is SPAM, it will either completely remove or at least mark it as SPAM. The second is that someone's e-mail and then received reports that you and your e-mail to an ISP or an anti-spam company, which also result in not only the individual e-mail campaign, but also all E-mail from your domain name marked as spam.

So the first rule is your bulk e-mails to people whoso requests. If you bulk e-mails, unwanted e-mail lists, you will be flagged as spam and you can even Blacklisted (all e-mail from your domain name) will be automatically marked as SPAM.

Rule 2 Personalize your e-mail.

If you are the recipients inbox, the next key is to reach in order to ensure that they read it. The best way to do this is to personalize the content of the e-mail. Now you may immediately think that this solution is the e-mail to them personally ie. Yes, that isvaluable, but the most important thing is to ensure that the content they receive is relevant to them. A personal e-mail promoting a new car will not be relevant, still valued by someone who can get in touch to inquire sell real estate.

In relation to property, this means sending relevant property content. Has anyone asked for 2 bedroom apartments for investment, do not send her luxury villa at the sea. No matter how the e-mail address, which is bad for business. Itwill not get requests, but it will cancellations.

E-mail to non-relevant content and offers to your database can be a killing of the fastest ways to save your precious database.

We recommend the inclusion criteria and prospects buyer sends only relevant information to each perspective. Both of our CRM products, foxEnterprise and foxAdvantage, can do both with ease, this should not be too difficult to implement.

Rule 3 Always use a relevant, but still catchy SubjectLine.

From my perspective, this may be followed by the worst rule. As we all know, we scan our e-mail often quickly scan the subject line and a decision then and there whether to read or delete them. That split second is often the deciding factor for a successful campaign, or in other ways.

The hard part is your subject line across all the other recipients receive e-mails, but always over the top, so your email is marked or regarded as SPAM.

Here isA small selection of words, you should not use in your subject line:

Free Discount Opportunity click here Call Now Amazing Make Money Winning Eliminate Debt Credit Loans Cash Offer Special Order Now Going fast etc rather go all derivatives of the above to also extremely doubtful. Also do not add to the explanation, question marks and no punctuation, as this also affect your SPAM rating.

So what is a good subject line?

As with the e-mail itself, it mustbe relevant. My best subject line will immediately identify to the recipient as to why your email is relevant to them and hence why they should open it.

So in the example above, where we lack a perspective of a 2-bedroom apartment for investment. The ideal subject line is: "New 2-bed apartment ideal for investors."

This applies to cover all the hot points of view, ie "new" (have something not seen them, and also makes it possible to get at first), "2-bedApartment "(the right product, so they do not waste time searching for properties that are not relevant) and" investment "(once again relevant product).

So if your views have this e-mail, and e-mail itself was to send targeted and relevant list, I would think you would get a high% of them to open (the e-mail messages are read) .

This is a simple example, but unfortunately, writing subject lines is rather hard work. So the best idea if you have time to carry out on-court campaigns. 2 to Comeor 3 different subject lines and at different sample groups and measure their effectiveness. There is no better metric than the number of e-mail responses or phone calls that you receive from any say about what works and what isn 't

Rule 4 Upgrade your CRM software religiously.

Once you have your mailing lists is outdated, your e-mails begin to drop rapidly losing its relevance and effectiveness. If you are using e-mail marketing you need to make seriousthat your house is always in order, that is, in this case, your CRM always up to date.

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